Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Wendy and Pammie are here!

Yes, Wendy and Pammie have arrived! We went to school today and they both ran the vision tests. They learned that the correct way that you identify a "Z" is to say "Zip". We went on a tour of San Mateo and they are constantly meetin gthe children. Of course they have promised too many that they will buy a bracelet from them....We went to Butch's bar to watch the sky divers and they met Butch and Johnson. Biggs came by to arrange their snorkeling trip - of course he was laying it on thick! Then we went to Lily's to eat. So far they have liked the food and the people. This is the best of the island of course. We are tired and at home and getting ready for another day. Love and miss you all.


  1. get all the tax stuff you were looking for?

  2. We talked about all of you at the Career Fair today. I met someone from Lee County DHS who said she was helping cover while these women are working for you. :) Hello to all of you!

  3. Glad to hear the Mississippi girls made it safe and sound. Tell them I hope they have a wonderful time! Keep writing... I love you.

  4. yay!! they made it. They will have a blast.
