Sunday, February 15, 2009

san mateo moms

The San Mateo moms had their first soccer game Friday night. We were told it would start at 6 pm. so in my usual gringo fashion I show up at 6 p.m. along with the two other gringos that are helping with the children's soccer teams. Lynette is a good soccer player from Canada and her husband coaches soccer at a University. They have brought their children here for several months. We get another lesson in "time" around here. The San Mateo moms were all their a little after 6 but the other team did not show up until about 7 pm. No one gets upset - just play ball. This league is a little different. They play on the basketball court that has a dug in place at each end for the soccer goal. This is a very physical game and has a few different if you kick the ballout of the stadium, there is a penalty kick that is a death wish for the keeper. If you kick it out - you may or may not get your ball back because it is likely that someone will just pick it up and take it is important to not kick it out. Lynette was asked to play and was allowed to start...everyone loved it when she did something good. What an experience for her. It was fun.

Lionel and Elgardo came by my home after school on Friday to give me a valentine's present after they already had sent me cupcakes for valentine's day. Sweet 11 year old boys...Lionel made me a beautiful blue and black beaded necklace with a red heart and Elgardo gave me a wooden fish key chain with Jesus on it. It was Lionel's birthday this week and I had been trying to take him for ice cream but he had to work everyday after we went for ice cream to celebrate his birthday and valentine's day. Ms. Eileen at Dandee's Ice Cream Shop is an awesome woman who looks after many children on the island by talking to them and loving them. The boys got banana splits and even though I usually get one scoop of Soursop ice cream - they were making the hot fudge and whip cream look too good...Ms. Eileen told me I should get the mini sundae and try soursop with hot fudge and marishino cherry sauce and whip cream...oh yeah - now I am really in trouble! It was awesome.

I stopped at Wariguma's to get a shrimp burrito to take home for supper. These burritos are so big that I ate a third of it for supper, a third for lunch yesterday and a third is still left. Gotta love it.

Ernesto brought me a flower arrangement with roses and daisies along with two coffee cups that are very special for Valentine's Day. He is so very thoughtful. Debra called me and it was so good to talk to her. I know it cost money to call me - not like picking up the phone at home and calling each other - and here you think before you dial because it is 50 cents a minute even local - so you only call when necessary and talk one minute to set up where you will meet to talk! Debra even talked to Ernesto.

I laid out in the sun most of the day. I fell asleep at the pool. I had a very relaxing Saturday. Klarisse came to my house and we went to the Mojito Bar for strawberry mjitos and then to a restaurant/bar that is new called Nauticas to check it out. It is upstairs from Fidos. It is very nice and we met a new friend - Ashley who is from North Carolina. She just graduated from college and she told her mom - "I do not have a boyfriend, I do not have any children or husband..I am going somewhere" She got a ticket for 7 weeks in Belize and said if she din't find work she would come home. She is managing Nautica. She is fun and typically southern so Karisse and I liked her right off.

From there we met Martin after he spent the day taking people fishing and BBQ'ing for them. We went to see Robert play at Jambels. Jambel is a name derived from Jamacia and Beliza. I had never eaten there so we decided to eat supper there. I had jerk chicken - very spicy and a lot of food! Ernesto kept trying to get away from work but he couldn't and then he said he was wore out so Martin had two dates. He kept saying I have two dates on Valentine's Day! So far - a great weekend and it is only half through.

I am going to work this morning and then I am going lay out in the sun again. The sky divers are here so I might walk down to coco locos and friar tucks to watch them and see Butch. See what the day brings...

Wendy and Pammie are coming tomorrow. They are taking the water taxi here from Belize City. Pammie is good with it but I think Wendy is like - a water taxi? Wendy called from the UPS store as she was mailing stuff to Belize...the guy at UPS asked her for a street address and a postal code. I said "it is a tiny island - we do not have postal delivery - we go to the post office to get mail - Belize has no postal code." The guy wanted to argue...I said just make sure you write out central america or he will send it to california or canada...even thought it says Belize. So I am excited that they are coming and I will have guests!

I know I have apologized for spelling and typing errors before but now it is even worse...I have to keep retyping and correcting because I find myself typing in Creole - cutting off words - changing the order of words... phrases are in my head now like...
Did you reach? Did you arrive yet?
I reached. I got there.
I dropped. I fell down.
Boom! Done!
You Understand? (We say that a lot because between southern and creole there has to be a lot of - You understand what I say to you? - Good!)

love and miss you all!


  1. Cool picture of you on tacogirl's blog--you are losing weight!

  2. Hey. Sorry I haven't blogged back lately. You are so cool. Can you share with us just exactly how to mail stuff to you and how to call you again. Several folks have asked and I'd like to mail - but was thinking it would cost you a great deal to get it out of the post office. No? Kully made it all the way - alone.. her flight was canceled so she had to leave late and miss meeting the dr. in miami. So, you say she made it - but it was quite traumatic to turn off her phone in miami... we are all so used to instant connection, instant answers... instant needs met if we need to talk RIGHT then... you are adapting so well... let me know how Wendy and Pammie are making it... they bring sunshine to others wherever they go so expect a beautiful week full of sunshine and smiles... i can just hear the girls now.. :) This will be a wonderful week for all of you. Isn't it great just knowing that! Love you and I am so very proud of you... I tell people you need to read this blog... that's my sister..

  3. I also had to show a few folks how to find your blog, and showed them the picture of you on tacogirl's. They all agreed with me that you look outstandingly happy, not to mention, really pretty. We miss you, but it is so awesome you are getting to do this.

  4. i wanna see a picture of you mom!! i have to find this taco girl. love you. miss you. i'm glad to see you are enjoying belize. <3

  5. the links to mom's pictures...

    by the way...who are these's people...i'm not reading all 10000000 posts to find out haha...looks like they've been in Belize for a good while...either that or they traveled all over the island and took 5 million pictures in one day
